Category Archives: Relationship

The Co-Creational Act – Releasing Hidden Light

A Solstice Post – an excerpt from the writing: God, The Universe Embryo. When I look up at the night sky and see the bright stars engulfed by darkness it brings to mind the majestic human story down here on Earth.  This is a powerful contemplation that takes me from the here-and-now inside light itself… to then travel all the way back into the core...

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What Chris Can Teach Us About The Anatomy Of Compassion

Chris was a good engineer. He was one of a dozen engineers on his team to answer service calls. Methodical and thorough, Chris was well respected by his team members. Still, he was not the star type. Quiet, a little shy, never seeking center stage, Chris’s focus was on the task at hand. One day his team took ownership of a new service contract. JD...

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Souls On Deck – A Brief

Here are a few gems (compiled in brief format) spoken by the people present in our recent Souls On Deck circle – a group of pioneering practitioners, poets, space makers, agents and catalysts of emergence and healing: “History gets in the way of our aspirations and possibilities.” Questions from Dale Nienow to reflect on to help us move into presence here and now: What do...

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Love Is 100 Times Better

Why do so many relationships hit a brick wall? Too many people insist on holding onto frozen dreams instead of realizing that a relationship is a learning journey.  You work at it. You work at it hard and you work at it soft and you make discovery, learning and growing central to your relationship. You listen to each other and you listen to yourself. You...

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The Greater Love

Why is language so confused (and confusing) when it comes to love? Why are so many people confused about love? Falling in love has little to do with love and yet love is the word that is used. Infatuation and attraction are some of the words that describe what people experience when they say “I fell in love”. When attraction and infatuation fade they say,...

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The Greatest Act Of Generosity

Your living presence is the most precious thing you have. Take it away and you take life itself away. All the things you own won’t mean a thing when you are gone. What then is the greatest act of generosity? It is offering your presence, unreservedly. Giving your mindful presence to another human being is the most precious gift you can give. Offering your full...

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The Biggest Change Ever – When Adding One Means Adding Ten

Can you think about a situation when adding one means adding ten? Take a moment to think about this conundrum before you read on. Don’t cheat. Did you find the answer? Well, here it is… When your first child is born. I first became aware of this change a few months after our son was born 20 years ago (1987). No one alerted me to...

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