Category Archives: Leadership

A Global Leader Mindset

Carlos Ghosn CEO and President of Renault of France and Nissan of Japan, is credited with turning around Nissan. As an outsider in charge of one of Japan’s largest companies, Ghosn has been extremely successful. When asked recently by Charlie Rose, “what is the mindset of a global leader in the future?” he replied: “A person that is open-minded, capable of understanding different cultures, respects...

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A Wise Message To All Leaders

What can you learn from Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s former and first Prime Minister, about leading your organization? Lee Kuan Yew is the person who inspired Deng Xiansheng to lead china to open its market and create large scale economical changes. His reflections about Singapore in his conversation with Charlie Rose carry a wise message to all leaders: Lee Kuan Yew says about Singapore: “It...

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The KEY: The Ten Faces of Leadership

Discover the Ten Faces of Leadership and reflect on your leadership strengths. Identify the most critical leadership capacities you must now focus on and exercise. Lead your teams to create the future. Leadership is situational. The requirements of each situation are unique. Needs and opportunities change and are based on circumstance. Great leaders are adaptive and versatile – they instinctively assess the requirements of the...

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HER CEO Breakdown

“Why Do Big Name leaders and CEOs Mess Up?” was the question I was asked at a recent leadership seminar. The seminar focused on the energy zones of leadership and the leader’s assets. “Why do so many known leaders and CEOs mess up their health or end up with ethical or relationship breakdowns?” the executive asked. H.E.R breakdowns (breakdowns in Health, Ethics & Relationships) are...

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WISE Leadership

Wise leadership is more than being smart. We know what smart leaders do. They formulate and act on SMART goals. SMART Goals are: Specific Measurable Aligned & Attainable Relevant Results Timely In these times SMART Goals are not enough. They have to be coupled with WISE Aims. Aim is a direction you are pursuing. WISE Aims are: Worthy, Inspirational, Sustainable, Evolving • Worthy – Creates...

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The Executive Rule & The “Middle Line”

CEOs and GMs ask me: can you help us increase revenue and improve the top line? Can you help cut cost and improve the bottom line? My answer is, “yes! We can help you grow your top line! And we can improve your bottom line too!” “How?” they ask. “It’s simple. We will help you improve your top line and your bottom line by focusing...

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Coaching Trends & Challenges

The world is changing, are you changing with it? I sense more worry, anxiety and stress from executives in recent coaching sessions. There are more challenges. Some speak of relational explosions and difficulty in staying clear and focused; some speak of reactionary response from managers, employees and clients. Most struggle to stay focused and productive. It’s as though the scenery is changing and with it...

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Are You Wasting A Good Crisis?

Leaders not using this crisis to repurpose and reposition their organizations are wasting a good crisis. If you are preoccupied only on surviving these critical times, you are missing out on the opportunity to do something bigger, to play a bigger game. Strategic leadership is not about “how will we come out of this in six or nine months?” It is about, “how are we...

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Stretch Goals For 21st Century Management

Gary Hamel framed on HBR a list of 25 challenges for 21st century management strategies. Here is the comment I posted with suggested additional challenges: Thank you, Gary. This is a great list! The fulcrum of the 25 points is number 11. “Dramatically reduce the pull of the past.” May I suggest reframing the challenge to say – “Be ready to engage in a newly...

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