Category Archives: Coaching

Great Teams

Great teams cultivate a culture that encourages internal coaching. People on these teams don’t hold back; they are not political and they do not miss opportunities to get better. If you are lucky enough to participate in such a team, you know how great it feels. It is one of the most joyous and fulfilling experiences you can have. Executives from our coaching seminars tell...

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To Lead

To lead is to go where you have never gone before, to open a way forward into unknown, uncharted possibilities. Then it is to encourage, coach and help others release their greater capacity to achieve the seemingly impossible, to realize a potential beyond their self-concept. The first breakthrough is inside, in your capacity to reframe reality and lead your own life. Coaching others into their...

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Coaching Dialogue: Red Lights On Your Dashboard

Here is a coaching dialogue excerpt that happened this week. P called and we started our conversation. It went like this: Me: How are you? P: Not so good today. I feel I am trying too hard to help too many people. I don’t feel too well. I am actually quite exhausted. M: On a scale of one to ten, where ten is feeling absolutely...

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50 Percent Of Coaching Is Lost

50 percent of coaching insights and decisions that are not acted upon are lost within 24 hours. More than 80 percent of coaching insights and decisions are lost if not acted upon within 72 hours. The best time to act on your decision and take your insight forward is always now. Every insight and decision must be validated and confirmed in action. Insight is an...

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The Art of Leading Through Coaching And How Jordan Learned to Resist the “Let Me Fix It” Reflex

Jordan is a young manager. From the start, he has been very effective in solving problems and was quickly promoted to a management position and responsibility. His approach to solving problems has always been aggressive. Show him a problem and he is all over it. Jordan takes great pride in fixing problems. When he walks into a room, Jordan enjoys hearing people say, “Mr. Fixer...

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What is a Coaching Conversation?

The Coaching Conversation is dedicated to improving your ability to succeed, and helping you to move forward and take action. It may feature and include any number of the 32 natures and characters listed below. Coaching conversation is… 1. Strengths based and 2. Opportunities focused The conversation is… 3. Challenge embracing 4. Possibilities assessing and creating 5. Observations framing 6. Insights seeking and articulating 7....

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The 5 Step Success Strategy For Everything

I am often asked towards the end of a four or five day seminar, “How can I sustain what I have learned here?” Typically this is an indication that the person has found new insights which they want to act on and not lose. The new self-knowledge and insight may consist of a clear set of values, appreciation of personal strengths, a new leadership strategy,...

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The Manager Tool Kit: Coaching And Mentoring – What’s The Difference?

Mentoring and coaching are two adjacent strategies to develop your capabilities and talents. They each bring a different emphasis and approach but the driving outcome is similar: to improve your ability to succeed in what you hope to accomplish. 1. A mentor is someone who has specific experience in the role or field of knowledge sought after. Mentoring is based on the mentor’s experience and...

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32 Benefits Of Coaching

“Coaching is a collaborative process dedicated to help and inspire an individual or team to achieve a desired result.” Here are some of the benefits of coaching I have experienced and witnessed both in being coached and in coaching executives. The coaching process unfolds through discovery, expanded awareness and insight and leads to designing a strategy of action. It is intuitive, energizing, challenging, sometimes painful...

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Cast Your Net – Part Four

As I said in Part One of this net casting – this process is intended to help you gather your thoughts and your strengths and prepare for the best opportunities and growth you can have in the next year. Visit these questions (and those in the previous parts) time and again from now to the end of the year. By December you will have an...

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